21 Day Journaling Challenge

It’s time for another journaling challenge! This series is all about self-exploration and finding ways to feel more connected to yourself, others, and the world around you. I’m starting this challenge on the first of the month, and I hope you’ll join me each morning as I work through the prompts below. Or, if you want to work at your own pace, these prompts will be here whenever you’re ready!

Journaling Prompts

  1. What am I learning lately?

  2. What do I value most in life? Am I living in accordance with those values? If not, how do I want to live, and how can I live in accordance with my values?

  3. What are some ways I can give back to my community? My family? My friends?

  4. Where do I see myself three years from now?

  5. What is an issue or cause that I care about? What are some ways I can take action? 

  6. What are some things I can do to take care of myself this week? 

  7. What can I do to feel more connected to people? To nature? To the spiritual world?

  8. Is it selfish to put myself first? Why or why not?

  9. What have I been unwilling to feel this week? What thoughts or feelings have I been avoiding? Why?

  10. What is something I’ve been wanting to try? What is holding me back?

  11. Take a moment and think back on the past week. What are some moments I am grateful for? What were some challenging moments, and what can I learn from those?

  12. Who in my life could I help or lend time to this week?

  13. What is an area of my life that I’d like to improve, and what are some tangible ways I can take steps forward?

  14. Who are the people in my life that I can rely on? Can people rely on me?

  15. What is something I can look forward to this week or this month?

  16. What kind of first impression do I make? Do I want to change anything about that? 

  17. What do I wish people knew or understood about me?

  18. If I knew I only had three months to live, how would I live life differently? 

  19. What’s a story from my past that I want to tell my grandkids?

  20. What’s something I’d like to learn more about? Why? And how can I make an effort to do so?

  21. What have I learned about myself through this journaling challenge? What will I take away?

I hope this journaling challenge brings you clarity on your life as well as motivation to make any changes that will move you in the direction of your dreams. I’d love to know what insights you gain from this challenge, so please leave a comment!

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