Portfolio of Artwork

Recent collections and commissioned projects.

untamed landscapes: impressions of north texas
(solo exhibition)

Inspired by a solo retreat just outside of Waco, these 12 watercolor landscapes and 3 acrylic works on canvas arose from a desire to convey the rustic, natural beauty of North Texas—its rolling fields, expansive skies and pastel palette. The landscapes presented in this exhibition are nostalgic on multiple levels. Growing up in North Texas, these scenes are synonymous with my childhood, my memories and, in a way, are part of my essence. Some of the works in the exhibition are inspired by reality, while others are completely imagined. An amalgamation of memory and fantasy. A place that doesn’t really exist, but inhabits my mind, as real as anything else.

Videography by Cortney Morentin

Photography by Angie Randall

The nyc collection

The NYC Collection was born from a trip I took to the city in February of 2021 when restaurants and businesses were navigating the restrictions and challenges of the pandemic. Even though it was the dead of winter, I spent most of my time outdoors walking around the city, and I found inspiration on every corner. It was a brief trip, and thus a small collection of paintings resulted. But each piece offers a sense of warmth and nostalgia, perhaps even a feeling of hope, something not easily found during that time. Read more about the collection here.

The florals collection

In my early years of painting, florals were a major focus area for me. I loved studying different flowers and leaf shapes and figuring out how to create different compositions. Here and there I would release individual floral paintings, but a full collection never materialized until 2021. The collected works presented in the Florals Collection showcase my floral painting throughout the years, including many paintings I made while preparing for my virtual floral workshops during the pandemic.

Corridor Artwork for AMLI Fountain Place

This commissioned series took exactly one year to complete. It includes 18 sets of paired paintings (36 paintings in total), designed to bookend the corridors of the new AMLI Fountain Place building in downtown Dallas. Each piece is meant to feel spontaneous, colorful, and multi-layered.

The Blind Contour Print collection

The ‘Blind Contour’ series is a collection of six drawings produced during a creative sketching exercise. In this blind contour exercise, I draw an object (in this case, my house plants) without looking at my paper, and I try to pick up my pen as little as possible. I find that this practice helps me become more absorbed in the subject itself and less focused on whether or not I am capturing it perfectly. And in fact, I find that it is the imperfection of the end result that makes the drawing so unique. 

Abstract Acrylic pour duet

This pair of paintings was designed specifically for the space in which they are installed. Using the acrylic pouring technique, I created these paintings on two massive 5x7-foot wood panels. The final effect evokes feelings of either looking down into the core of the earth or upward into the heavens above.